
Tony Awards 2017: My favorites, Benj Pasek, Justin Paul, Gavin Creel won and a lot of Dear Evan Hansen

I didn't quite get the time to watch the Tony yesterday. Coming home after a coding workout(? I like that), I learned that my favorite songwriting team, Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, just won their first Tony for best original score (and later best musical) after their La La Land win for the Oscars. My favorite theater male vocalist, Gavin Creel, has also won his first Tony for best featured actor. Oh... and Benj Pasek, Justin Paul, and Gavin Creel happen to all graduate from one public university in the Midwest. (Definitely bragging!) And, Dear Evan Hansen (by Pasek and Paul) won the best musical, too. Ben Platt's best actor winning speech is quite good :) Bette Midler's best actress winning speech is just so awesome LOL Finally, the first U.S. actor that I think I ever hear of, Kevin Kline, not Tom Cruise, also got his third Tony, in the Best Actor in a Play category. He is pretty cool in his winning speech :) ...

Berliner Philharmoniker with Sir Simon Rattle 11/12/16

I played clarinet and base clarinet in our high school symphony band. For my whole life, I know that there is a group named Berliner Philharmoniker as one of the finest musical groups. Today, I finally got to attend a concert tonight in Hill Auditorium, with Sir Simon Rattle as the conductor. Sir Simon Rattle, conductor Seeing remotely my idol Andreas Ottensamer , one of the principal clarinetists, and flutist Emmanuel Pahud whose name has been stuck in my head for a very long time because my friends play flute and so his name got mentioned millions of times, walking and playing live was just a surreal experience. Aside from that, principal oboist Jonathan Kelly and whoever played euphonium solo throughout the whole concert deserved special recognition, probably the best oboist and euphoniumist I have every heard. All the musicians, at least the soloists, were the finest in their category and they blended so well that sometimes I felt like I could not tell what the instrum...

Awareness 這個字要怎麼翻成中文?

想要把一個句子完整的用中文呈現,但卻對當中的一個英文字 awareness 難以下決定,所以我就在社群網路上跟大家徵求意見,結果沒想到引出很多來自各個領域的朋友跟我分享,真的很訝異,也很感激。雖然我一時之間還無法決定哪個最適合,不過我想用這個機會把收到的建議分類記錄下來,順便加上自己的筆記,將來可慢慢思考。我這邊就不把朋友的名字貼出來了,但下面這個清單跟意見 全部都是我的朋友們熱心提供的 。 句子 「系上或是周遭有朋友或是同學會不斷的宣傳跟 diversity 有關的活動,提高 awareness。」 問題 想請問大家, awareness 這個字有哪些翻譯的方法啊? 意識? 我知道一個說法是感知,不過感覺這個翻法,動詞的意味很濃。有沒有比較適合名詞的翻法,比如說,「提高 awareness 」這樣的使用狀況? 回應 覺察: 5 覺察力 意識應該不對,那是consciousness [筆記] 我覺得這個翻法,相對於其他的翻譯翻法更積極,比較有主動出擊,主動調查的概念。 意識: 4 感知好像对应的是 perception,我在文献里是见过 increase awareness 的用法,更接近意识到... 公衛用的話會說「增加/提高多樣性的意識」。基本上公衛用超多這種策略。有時候也會翻認知。環保意識,子宮頸癌風險認知... [筆記] 我覺得這個翻法,有強調目標概念跟本身切身相關的成分。關於感知跟 perception 之間的對應我覺得滿有趣的,因為我原本對感知這個翻法是來自 context-awareness(情境感知),的確有很強的 perception 成分。 認知 (2),認識 (2) 我觉得应该翻译成 “对XX的认知程度”,“对其的认知程度” 。 公衛用的話會說「增加/提高多樣性的意識」。基本上公衛用超多這種策略。有時候也會翻認知。環保意識,子宮頸癌風險認知... 我覺得這個字我通常是翻成「認知」,但整句的話,可能會翻成「提高對多樣性的認識」。 [筆記] 我覺得這個翻法,跟下面的「警覺」,「關心程度」不同的地方在於,當中有比較清楚的突顯對於目標概念的個人意見 (opinion) 跟知識 (knowledge) 的成分。 警覺: 3 警覺性 對外界刺激的敏感度 [筆記] 我覺得這個翻法,跟「...

How to remove yourself from a mailing list that belongs to the University of Michigan

If you want to get yourself off a mailing list that belongs to the University of Michigan, I believe you can remove yourself from MCommunity . Here is how you could do it. Visit MCommunity through  and login with your UMich credentials. Figure 1: MCommunity If you want to remove yourself from  name_of_the_list, do a search with ' name_of_the_list ', and then click on the result. For instance, if you are trying to remove yourself from this list: basement.interest, search with the keyword, ' basement.interest ' and then click on the result, 'Basement Interest.' Figure 2: Search results for the mailing list. Right under the 'Actual name of the list' (i.e., 'Basement Interest'), there is a button labeled 'Resign'. Figure 3: Details page for a mailing list with a 'Resign' button. I believe you can leave the group by clicking on the 'Resign' button. ...

[Everyone can contribute] UMS 2016 - 2017 Season Collaborative Guide (You can contribute!)

I would like to introduce UMS (University Musical Society) ’s amazing new season to you, as students tickets go on sale on 09/01 (Thursday)! UMS brought together a list of amazing performances, including classical music, dance, theater, tech-arts, chamber music, jazz, symphony, concerto, piano solo, vocal solo, etc. I myself have limited knowledge and specific interest so I think it is best to invite people (you) to contribute their knowledge and experience about the season listings. Use whatever language you feel comfortable. You can help those who find it easier to understand in the language you choose. 大家好, UMS (University Musical Society) 的學生票 9/1 號要開始賣了。學生票讓大家以相對來說非常便宜的價錢觀賞世界級的表演 (比如說馬友友)。表演的節目非常多元,音樂,舞蹈,戲劇,科技藝術,交響樂,室內樂,爵士樂,樂團,獨奏家,舞蹈團,聲樂家... 應有盡有。 我自己的知識跟經驗有限,所以我把節目單轉成一份文件,讓大家可以分享自己的經驗,或是推薦某個團體或是表演節目。想要用什麼語言都可,你分享的東西可以讓其他人作為購票的參考。 Shout out to Dropbox Paper , a very easy-to-use tool for creating this document. Let's see how the platform work out for this collaborati...

05/25/2016 現場口譯初登場 - 亦宛然-布袋戲樂器與戲偶體驗工作坊

我的現場口譯初登場在今天獻給了台灣的亦宛然布袋戲劇團在安納堡 Michigan League 的工作坊。很高興能及時地把一生之中對東西方音樂的投入,還有觀賞劇場跟電影的經驗運用出來介紹這個陪我們成長,來自台灣國寶級的布袋戲劇團。很有挑戰 性,但也很好玩。結束後從觀眾之中(有些是專業口譯)得到了一些有用的回饋,算是任務圓滿達成吧!事後覺得,現場口譯真的是一個很好的練習,我必須用百分 之百的注意力去聽一個人用一個語言講。過程中必須很專注得把重點記起來,這樣在翻譯的時候才可以抓到重點。這時又會想到嚴復講的「信,雅,達」三種境界, 真的很有道理!

Company (presented by Ann Arbor Civic Theatre) Reflection 心得

這齣劇讓我最印象深刻的是,從劇情,角色,到歌詞,都不斷地展露出人生中,很多一體兩(多)面的錯衝複雜。 Sorry/Grateful, Regreteful/Happy, Somebody/ Some Body, 在一起/偶爾想要自己的空間, 可能感情不再濃烈了/基於其他因素待一起, 渴望年少輕狂時的放縱/為人父母的責任跟承擔, 強烈的憧憬婚姻/對婚姻惶恐, 對婚姻儀式跟意義的強烈恐懼/因為一句話而醒悟對婚姻以及另一半的欣喜。一方面覺得很衝突,一方面又覺得,的確人生就是這樣啊!當然可能很多人的人生也許很平順,或是懂得過得很平順,遇到了該遇到的人,但世界上的其他人,也是不斷不斷的嘗試,有的找到了自己的路,有的找到,又失去自己的路。平順的人生也許很值得慶幸,但是跌跌撞撞的活者也是一種堅忍的體會吧~ 故事的部分,我原本有點擔心這樣主線不是很清楚的設計,對於不熟劇情的人會很難跟上, 結過似乎是多慮了。我覺得有趣的地方也就在於,我們的人生,有時候也不是一條線的故事。當中遇到了很多人,或是很多群人,跟每一群人發生不同的關係,有不同的互動。有深,有淺,有的深湛濃烈,有的細水長流。一個動作,一個拜訪,一句話,一個錯過,一間小小的事都有可能對未來的路線有深遠的影響,也許就是人生很多不可控制,也因此而精彩的因素~ 音樂的部分,有幾首歌都非常有層次,透過多條聲線的交疊,把人世中的熙來攘往,紛紛擾擾表現出來。單一獨唱的部分,我個人非常喜歡結尾的 Being Alive,覺得歌詞把人生,或是說「活著」的意義做了很多很瑣碎,但又很貼切的敘述。這首歌似乎也呼應了在開場的那對玩摔角的夫妻的主題,維繫婚姻(人生)的主要調味料,也許就是那些細微的小事吧~ 聲音表現上,個人覺得演主角 Robert (Bobby) 的 Robby Griswold 很稱職,他的聲音非常的圓融開闊,的確是整齣戲的重點。不過,我覺得他控制得太好,沒有在 Beling Alive 那首歌裡面把他聲音的各種可能性表現出來,不過這也就是一種詮釋方式就是了。演 Marta 的 Kate Papachristou 聲音也非常的輕亮。當然,不用說,想逃婚的那位女性 Marci Rosenberg 唱得非常恰當,整個就是要 freak out 的樣子。另外抽煙的阿姨 Amy Bogetto-Weinraub 跟大家敬酒的那段也是...