
Showing posts from July, 2013

Programmers of All Levels Needed for Research Study! ($20)

Do you regularly code and seek information on the Internet? If so, I would like to invite you to participate in a study of programmers’ online information seeking. Pei-Yao (Perry) Hung, a graduate student from the School of Information at the University of Michigan, is conducting a study to understand how programmers with various levels of expertise seek information online regarding their programming tasks. All the details (e.g., qualifications) of the study are included here: The study will span 2 weeks and take less than 30 minutes each week for you, with the option to extend it to 4 weeks if interested. If you successfully complete the study, you will receive gift cards ($20 for a pre-study interview and the first two weeks, with an additional $20 for the optional two weeks and a follow-up interview) for your effort. Please consider participating in this study and help share this information to people who might be interested. Contact Perry through  p

2013 年暑假推薦的百老匯音樂劇 (Broadway Musicals to See in Summer 2013)

因為兩位朋友提到暑假可能會去紐約玩,問我有沒有什麼推薦的音樂劇,我想著想著,打著打著就變成一長串了。再加上想要附上 youtube video 來佐證,最後就變成一大篇了。由於在 email 中回不方便,想說乾脆貼出來分享給大家。下面列的是幾部我推薦的音樂劇,某種程度上按照我推薦的程度來排順序,所以有我個人的偏好參雜在裡面,我沒有列在這裡的不表示不推薦。比如說,那些常駐的有名劇碼我想我也不用介紹,想看的會自己去看。另外還有一些剛推出 or 比較實驗性質的劇碼,我個人很喜歡嘗試,但在不清楚狀況前不想推薦給朋友,避免出意外 XD 先定義一下 P-Index: 什麼鬼? Pei-Yao(Perry) Musical Rating Index, 1-10, however he defines. 以下是我的推薦劇碼 Pippin P-Index: 破表,Sing, Act, and Dance 全部都強,管他三七二十一給我弄到票進去就對了 簡單來說,Pippin 是部很經典的音樂劇,作者 Stephen Schwartz 寫出很多經典動聽的音樂,包括 Wicked, Godspell, and The Prince of Egypt,他也寫過不少經典的詞,像是 Pocahontas, The Hunchback of Notre Dame。當中的名曲 Corner of the Sky 是我最愛的一首歌之一。故事主要是講一個王子思考自己的人生意義,跟他一路追尋的過程。這次的 revival 整個就是一時之選。導演 Diane Paulus 是當代傑出的女導演,執導過 The Gershwin's Porgy and Bess, Hair,今年靠 Pippin 拿到 Best Director。男主角 Matthew James Thomas 很年輕,演出過一些劇場,唱歌滿好聽的,上個月剛出新 EP。女主角 Patina Miller 是 CMU Drama School 的畢業生,歌喉超棒,我超愛,剛畢業就拿到 Sister Act the Musical 中飾演女主角 Delores Van Cartier (就是當年Whoopi Goldberg 演活的那個黑道大哥女友兼瘋狂修女的角色),也被提名當年的 Tony Awa