
Showing posts from November 26, 2015

甘溫 Grateful

忘了從什麼時候開始,每次到一個推廣「甘溫」的節日,我都會把這首歌 ('Grateful' by John Bucchino) 找來聽,提醒自己對生命的感恩跟在我生命中出現的人。今年,簡單一點,謝謝自己的爸媽,親戚,朋友,指導老師。這學期,開始跑步,享受迎面而來的清風,流汗,體會疲累跟飢餓,晚上倒頭就睡。面對不同的事情,練習說 yes 跟 no,嘗試不同的可能。我還活得好好的,繼續朝著自己的人生目標前進,身邊有些可以聊天,分享的朋友,沒有什麼比這個更重要的了。感恩節快樂! I forgot when this started. Every time it is a 'Thanksgiving', or just a Thank-ish holiday, I will find this song, 'Grateful' by John Bucchino,  to remind myself of the appreciation I have for life and people in my life. This year, I will make it brief. Thanks to my parents, relatives, friends, and my advisor. This semester, I start to run, enjoying the wind, the sweat, the exhaustion, and the hunger. Go to bed and fall asleep every night. When facing different challenges and matters, I learn to say yes and no, exploring different possibilities. I am alive, working toward my goal. I have friends around me whom I can hang out with and share. Who could ask for anything more? Happy Thanksgiving! Grateful by John Bucchino I...