
Showing posts from October, 2016

How to remove yourself from a mailing list that belongs to the University of Michigan

If you want to get yourself off a mailing list that belongs to the University of Michigan, I believe you can remove yourself from MCommunity . Here is how you could do it. Visit MCommunity through  and login with your UMich credentials. Figure 1: MCommunity If you want to remove yourself from  name_of_the_list, do a search with ' name_of_the_list ', and then click on the result. For instance, if you are trying to remove yourself from this list: basement.interest, search with the keyword, ' basement.interest ' and then click on the result, 'Basement Interest.' Figure 2: Search results for the mailing list. Right under the 'Actual name of the list' (i.e., 'Basement Interest'), there is a button labeled 'Resign'. Figure 3: Details page for a mailing list with a 'Resign' button. I believe you can leave the group by clicking on the 'Resign' button. ...