
Showing posts from September, 2013

跟大家推薦一下 Audra McDonald's concert on Sept 15 at Hill Auditorium

UMS (University Musical Society) 明天起 (09/09/13) 要開始賣特價學生票了! 有很多好的表演,但我想特別跟大家推薦一下 Audra McDonald 在 Sept. 15 at Hill Auditorium 的演出。 我是她的 Fan, 所以我就直說! 兩年前錯過她的表演懊悔了很久,今年終於給我等到了! 聽她唱歌就像聽故事一樣,她是個很會說故事的人。 故事中的情感,或細膩,或濃厚,她都收放自如,很容易融進去。 她本身是個很厲害的演員,演過很多經典的音樂劇角色,像是 Ragtime 裡面的 Sarah, 還有 Porgy and Bess 裡面的 Bess。 今年 43 歲,得過 5 次的 Tony Award (不熟悉的朋友可以把它當作戲劇界的 Oscar),是目前記錄保持人。跟她並列記錄的兩位,一位 (Julie Harris) 前幾個星期才過世,另一位 (Angela Lansbury) 87 歲,大家都覺得她 (Audra McDonald) 應該會打破紀錄。 不多說,讓大家親自體驗一下。 One of my recent favorites, I'll Be Here She is funny :) My another recent favorite from her, Somedays As "Sarah" singing "Wheels of a Dream" with Brian Stokes Mitchell, in Ragtime As "Bess" singing "Summertime", in Porgy and Bess She can played another singer, Billie Holiday. She can sing anything, even Yahoo! Answers Tickets:

Amazing rearrangement(s) and various renditions of "The Victors" and "You suck", the University of Michigan Fight Songs

Ever since I attend my first football game in the Big House, I fall in love with "The Victors", the University of Michigan fight song (I am probably biased because I am a Michigan wolverine). Here is one done by the University of Michigan Marching Band. An indoor version that fills the renown Hill Auditorium with energy! I dug on Youtube and found some crazy good renditions of "The Victors" and "You suck".  I believe the rearrangement is done by a wolverine named A.J.Homes (@ ajholmesmusic ) when he was a "freshman", who currently starred on Broadway in The Book of Mormon. (Yes, to my knowledge, he made this rearrangement when he was in his freshman year. He is so talented!) Here are the lyrics: Hail! to the victors valiant Hail! to the conqu'ring heroes Hail! Hail! to Michigan The leaders and best! Hail! to the victors valiant Hail! to the conqu'ring heroes Hail! Hail! to Michigan, The champions of the West! ...