Videos of the Les Miserables movie cast singing (悲慘世界演員唱歌影片)

I spend a few hours digging on youtube to find out about the Les Miserables movie cast. Enjoy! (There is no movie related videos for cast singing.)

我竟然花了幾個小時在 Youtube 上找悲慘世界的演員唱歌的影片 XD,分享給大家。電影演員唱歌的部份已經避免了跟悲慘世界有關的影片,所以請放心享用(如果你還沒看的話)!

Hugh Jackman (Jean Valjean)

Russell Crowe (Javert)

Anne Hathaway (Fantine)

Amanda Seyfried (Cosette)

Sacha Baron Cohen (Thenardier)

Helena Bonham Carter (Madame Thenardier)

Eddie Redmayne (Marius)

Aaron Tveit (Enjolras)

Smantha Barks (Eponine)

Colm Wilkinson (Bishop, and the original Jean Valjean of the London cast)

Frances Ruffelle (One of the whore(s) in the movie, and the original Eponine)


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