The Kitchen










(Photo from :

Now, the research becomes real.

A special feeling come to me when I see this picture. This is an idea proposed by Jackie Lee's "CounterIntelligence: Augmented Reality Kitchen", which we discuss in the ubicomp course several weeks ago. The first thought was "cool, great, interesting, and beautiful". Now I change my attitude : "Well, an interesting design, which can really help people, and now become a real thing in our life."

I don't care a lot about money.(Well, I care, but not that much, since my parent did work hard and I don't need to worry about the money). My dream is to become a good teacher, or good professor. My research may not be some products that will make a great deal of money, but it will be interesting, fun, and helpful. (Money is always welcomed, which comes in the right way. I can then use it to do more interesting things. Ha ! ^-^ )


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