Company (presented by Ann Arbor Civic Theatre) Reflection 心得

這齣劇讓我最印象深刻的是,從劇情,角色,到歌詞,都不斷地展露出人生中,很多一體兩(多)面的錯衝複雜。 Sorry/Grateful, Regreteful/Happy, Somebody/ Some Body, 在一起/偶爾想要自己的空間, 可能感情不再濃烈了/基於其他因素待一起, 渴望年少輕狂時的放縱/為人父母的責任跟承擔, 強烈的憧憬婚姻/對婚姻惶恐, 對婚姻儀式跟意義的強烈恐懼/因為一句話而醒悟對婚姻以及另一半的欣喜。一方面覺得很衝突,一方面又覺得,的確人生就是這樣啊!當然可能很多人的人生也許很平順,或是懂得過得很平順,遇到了該遇到的人,但世界上的其他人,也是不斷不斷的嘗試,有的找到了自己的路,有的找到,又失去自己的路。平順的人生也許很值得慶幸,但是跌跌撞撞的活者也是一種堅忍的體會吧~

故事的部分,我原本有點擔心這樣主線不是很清楚的設計,對於不熟劇情的人會很難跟上, 結過似乎是多慮了。我覺得有趣的地方也就在於,我們的人生,有時候也不是一條線的故事。當中遇到了很多人,或是很多群人,跟每一群人發生不同的關係,有不同的互動。有深,有淺,有的深湛濃烈,有的細水長流。一個動作,一個拜訪,一句話,一個錯過,一間小小的事都有可能對未來的路線有深遠的影響,也許就是人生很多不可控制,也因此而精彩的因素~

音樂的部分,有幾首歌都非常有層次,透過多條聲線的交疊,把人世中的熙來攘往,紛紛擾擾表現出來。單一獨唱的部分,我個人非常喜歡結尾的 Being Alive,覺得歌詞把人生,或是說「活著」的意義做了很多很瑣碎,但又很貼切的敘述。這首歌似乎也呼應了在開場的那對玩摔角的夫妻的主題,維繫婚姻(人生)的主要調味料,也許就是那些細微的小事吧~

聲音表現上,個人覺得演主角 Robert (Bobby) 的 Robby Griswold 很稱職,他的聲音非常的圓融開闊,的確是整齣戲的重點。不過,我覺得他控制得太好,沒有在 Beling Alive 那首歌裡面把他聲音的各種可能性表現出來,不過這也就是一種詮釋方式就是了。演 Marta 的 Kate Papachristou 聲音也非常的輕亮。當然,不用說,想逃婚的那位女性 Marci Rosenberg 唱得非常恰當,整個就是要 freak out 的樣子。另外抽煙的阿姨 Amy Bogetto-Weinraub 跟大家敬酒的那段也是很有韻味。其他演員部分,演摔角 couple 老公的 Paul Clark 聲音不錯,不過沒有很多表現的橋段,剩下的男性部分相對來說偏弱,女性演員的聲音控制力似乎比較平均。




最後附上 Being Alive 的影片跟歌詞 (from AllMusicals)

FRIENDS [frantically]:
Bobby...Bobby...Bobby baby...
Bobby bubbi...Robby...Robert darling...
Bobby, we've been trying to call you.
Bobby...Bobby...Bobby baby...Bobby bubbi...
Angel, I've got something to tell you.
Bob...Robbo...Bobby love...Bobby honey...
Bobby, we've been trying to reach you all day.
Bobby...Bobby...Bobby Baby...Angel...Darling...
The kids were asking--
Bobby, there was something we wanted to say.
The line was busy...
Bobby...Bobby bubbi...
Bobby fella...Bobby sweetie--

ROBERT [speaking]: Stop!...What do you get? [Sings]
Someone to hold you too close,
Someone to hurt you too deep,
Someone to sit in your chair,
To ruin your sleep.

PAUL: That's true, but there's more to it than that.
SARAH: Is that all you think there is to it?
HARRY: You've got so many reasons for not being with someone, but
you haven't got one good reason for being alone.
LARRY: Come on, you're on to something, Bobby. You're on to something.

Someone to need you too much,
Someone to know you too well,
Someone to pull you up short
And put you through hell.

DAVID: You see what you look for, you know.
JOANNE: You're not a kid anymore, Robby. I don't think you'll ever
be a kid again, kiddo.
PETER: Hey, buddy, don't be afraid it won't be perfect. The only thing
to be afraid of really is that it won't be.
JENNY: Don't stop now. Keep going.

Someone you have to let in,
Someone whose feelings you spare,
Someone who, like it or not,
Will want you to share
A little, a lot.

SUSAN: And what does all that mean?
LARRY: Robert, how do you know so much about it when you've never
been there?
HARRY: It's much better living it than looking at it, Robert.
PETER: Add 'em up, Bobby. Add 'em up.

Someone to crowd you with love,
Someone to force you to care,
Someone to make you come through,
Who'll always be there,
As frightened as you
Of being alive,
Being alive,
Being alive,
Being alive.

AMY: Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. *Want* something!
Want *something*!

Somebody, hold me too close,
Somebody, hurt me too deep,
Somebody, sit in my chair
And ruin my sleep
And make me aware
Of being alive,
Being alive.

Somebody, need me too much,
Somebody, know me too well,
Somebody, pull me up short
And put me through hell
And give me support
For being alive,
Make me alive.

Make me confused,
Mock me with praise,
Let me be used,
Vary my days.
But alone is alone, not alive.

Somebody, crowd me with love,
Somebody, force me to care,
Somebody, make me come through,
I'll always be there,
As frightened as you,
To help us survive
Being alive,
Being alive,
Being alive!


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