收到講座訊息的時候很高興,因為當時正好在開發 php 的程式,所以就興沖沖的報名了。
Talk Slides : http://talks.php.net/show/ntu PHP is rarely the bottleneck. Usually, you (the programmer) are the bottleneck. http://developer.yahoo.com/yslow/ :analysis web page, give you some suggestions. http://www.joedog.org/JoeDog/siege : measure the performance of web page. strace (linux command) : List system calls you invoke. Enable you to understand the effect of your code and have the possibility to fine tune your system. Include path is important, set them such that your program can find them quickly (system will execute "cd" command as less as possible). Tools for profiling your system, detect memory management and threading bugs. - valgrind : http://valgrind.org/
- callgrind, KCachegrind : http://kcachegrind.sourceforge.net/
PHP debug tools
感想:Rasmus (PHP 創始者) 讓我見識到了專注於自己工作、精細小心、斤斤計較、精益求精的態度。他也許比較不會被歸類為研究人員(我指的是學校 or 研究機構的人員),但是他debug 的過程跟找出系統弱點的方法跟思考過程,井井有條、鉅細靡遺。在系統效能、速度上錙銖必較,分析各個函式、模組的記憶體佔用、執行的 system call 數目、webpage loading 需要的時間,專注的從另一個角度(不同於前端介面設計)朝著讓使用著有更好的使用經驗前進。簡單來說,「佩服」,做什麼像什麼,web page programmer 就應該有他這樣的態度啊!!!以他為榜樣 ^_^。
附上 YDN (Yahoo! Developer Network) 的文章(更加完整詳盡) : Rasmus 校園講座台大場:Simple is Hard