Rent 之後

今天去看了 Rent,親身體驗了 “Will I”,  “No day but today", "Seasons of Love", "Take me or leave me", "I'll cover you", "Finale B" 的感動。回過神來後,也是要好好的做研究寫作業,多運動健身,保持強健的身體跟堅韌的心智。這個世界還有很多東西等著我去探索,很多人事物等著我去認識,很多故事等著我去親身體驗。是 Roger 也好,是 Mark 也罷,永遠不要放棄最後的一絲希望,喜歡的東西就要勇敢的去追求,珍惜身邊的每一個人,珍惜自己在這個世界上的存在。

為了紀念今天成功地看到 Rent, 我決定在睡前分享一個心裡的小秘密,誠實的面對自己,感謝今天跟我一起去的大家。當初在開 event 的時候,很想找大家去,但怕大家對 Rent 不熟,會找不到人,在認真的寫了一篇介紹後,本來有打算加碼,犧牲色相,超過 10 個人我就用我破破發抖柔弱的聲音唱 Rent 的歌 po 上 youtube 的 (e.g, “Will I” or “Seasons of Love”),但後來大家很捧場,慢慢從 5+ 到 10+, 然後在倒數第二天到 20+ 然後最後一晚衝破 30+ 後 (到底發生什麼事啊????? XD),我就整個被 distract 了,開始擔心 37 張票是要怎麼買位置。故事結束,謝謝大家!今天我很開心! 希望大家也很開心  :)

Finale B by Jonathan Larson

There is no future
There is no past
Thank God this
Moment's not the last

There's only us
There's only this
Forget, regret or
Life is yours to miss
No other road, no other way
No day but today
I can't control
(Will I lose my dignity)
My destiny
(Will someone care)
I trust my soul
(Will I wake tomorrow)
My only goal
(From this nightmare)

There's only now
There's only here
Give in to love
Or live in fear
No other path, no other way
'Cause I die without you

I die without you
(No day but today)
I die without you
(No day but today)
I die without you
(No day but today)

I die without you
(No day but today)
I die without you
(No day but today)
No day but today


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